A beautiful celebration, for a beautiful couple...

Jeaneris and Raúl have a special place in our lives, not just because we had the privilage of creating beautiful pictures on their wedding day, but because we had a close relationship with them and their family. Also we have worked together in some projects here in Puerto Rico. For that here is an account of what we lived on their special day.

This beautiful wedding was celebrated in to different locations in Puerto Rico. The couples preparation took place in La Concha Resort. In this prestigious hotel; where we had documented beautiful weddings and other couples experiences, we had a gorgeous canvas where we capture magical moments filled with emotion and beautiful details.

Also in the hotel we capture the men of the family First Look; one filled with lots of sentiment and happy tears. When Jeaneris father saw her in the wedding dress, was one of the most heart warming experiences of the day.

I confess that in the editing process I cried again!

This gorgeous and successful wedding was possible due to Kate Alamo and her team, from Kate Alamo Events, for the coordination from start to finish. She had everything ready in the second location, Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín, where we celebrate the couples union.

Needless to say that we celebrate with great joy and happiness Jeaneris and Raúl most waited day!